Saturday, July 10, 2010

London continued, and our last Blog.

On a walk through Green park we were lucky to see some squirrel's playing, they are pretty little things but can create problems in the gardens.
The photograph of Jo's feet was taken at Greenwich when we went to see the Prime Meridian. My left foot is western hemisphere and the right foot is eastern hemisphere! It was a very interesting day and completed with a cruise on the river Thames.
One could stay here in London for months and not see everything, but even so, we have had a super time and accomplished everything on the 'list' plus a bit more, even enjoyed an occassional London taxi ride as well.
Sadly only a day or so remains of our holiday, but oh, what a holiday it has been.
We are looking forward to seeing our family and friends again and showing them every single one of the 2000 photos that Jo has taken and the 68 gig of film that Michael has taken!
So here we are, 9 weeks later and 22 different beds later, about to board our plane and head for home. Thankyou for sharing our Blog with us, love Jo and Michael.

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