Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Leicestershire,Family Reunions

We had a lovely week with John and Sue, having time to relax and to catch up with all the family who live nearby. They kindly gave us the key to their home so that we could get about a bit on our own for a couple of days, so on our first day we met up with Mel and Coral. After lunch at the pub (where else when you are in England) and where we were joined by another cousin June, we went back to Mel and Coral's and had a really lovely time chatting, relaxing and catching up on old times.
Whilst at John and Sue's we went for a 'spin' in the Caterham that John built. It was great fun and I was surprised at how comfortable it was. The only problem was getting out of it when we got home, being very low to the ground it was a bit difficult for Jo. A block and tackle or even a hoist was mentioned....
We were able to see all of the family on several occassions which was really special for us as it gave us lots of opportunities to have nice long chats together.Lunch with Pat, a party at Geoff and Janice's, a BBQ at John and Sue's are just some of the lovely things we had together.
My aunt Lil of 96 years was also able to come to a couple of gatherings which made our week extra special. Happy memories.

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